Well this week has beein insane! Not only are almost all of my teachers sick with some kind of dilapadating disease, but the campus has been thrown into an upset state over a supposed goverment takeover through a bill proposed by Governor Walker. Now I really don't like politics. I think it's a bunch of people with big heads not fighting for what may be the good of the state or nation or whatever... but they do what they do just to stop the other side from "winning". It's like a really bad game of capture the flag. But I digress, that's not really what I should be talking about here. This week is going peachy for me as well... I use that term VERY loosely.
In terms of project progress, I've hit ther perverbial brick wall. I have been gathering more maps to add some more layers to my project, but in terms of finding a source for blood I think I have run out of options. I've tried the meat shop in town, and 4 recommended meat lockers in the surrounding area. The best answer I got was somebody told me that they didn't save any blood from the last slaughter and I would have to wait another two weeks. I think I'm creeping people out when I call looking for blood. Oh well. I have spent a good part of my class period looking for acceptable substitutes for a fake blood recipie. Even though I wouldn't get the color completely accurate, I think my best bet would be to use a formulation of corn syrup and india ink.
I was also looking up some blood artists to see how this medium was used by other people. I got a few disgusting yet interesting results. One that was really intriguing was the artist named Vanessa Tiegs. She has a whole series of blood paintings that she has labeled as "Menstrala". From there I suppose you can pretty much infer where her source of blood comes from. But honestly if you look past that the compositions are very interesting and the textures are very diverse. For obvious reasons, she photographs these pieces and sells them as prints.
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